Directions from Sacramento/Reno Map

Our Address:

Ananda Village is located at 14618 Tyler Foote Rd., Nevada City, CA, 95959.

Directions from Sacramento and Reno

Click here for driving directions and maps from Sacramento and Reno.

Ananda Village Map to Crystal Hermitage

Directions from Ananda Village’s Entrance

Click here to view an Ananda Village map to Crystal Hermitage.

  1. From Tyler Foote Rd., turn left (at the entrance of Ananda Village) onto Ananda Way.

  2. Drive a short distance on Ananda Way until you get to the “T” intersection, where Ananda Way meets Brotherhood Way, at the fountain.

  3. At the “T”, turn left on Brotherhood Way, and drive a short distance until you see a small frog and turtle pond and a stone footbridge on your right.

  4. At the pond, make a sharp right onto Ayodhya Way.

  5. Stay on Ayodhya Way. You will drive over two speed bumps and then past the signs for School Circle and Almora Way.

  6. Next (still on Ayodhya Way), you will drive up and down a hill until you cross Sages Road, which is a dirt road. You’re almost there!

  7. After crossing Sages Road, you’ll see a residential parking area straight ahead. Stay to the right, and continue to drive a short distance ahead.

  8. You will then see another parking area. Park there and walk down the trail that leads to the Hermitage Gardens, Chapel, Shrine and Gift Shop.

  9. Upon entering the Hermitage grounds through the double wooden doors, the first building on your right is the Crystal Hermitage Shrine and Gift Shop.

  10. Continue down the stairs and the Chapel is on the left.